duminică, 4 aprilie 2010

Elvis Presley - And I Love You So

kiones12 Another month, another year, another smile, another tear, another winter, another summer too but there will never be another you! Haley 7 1 month ago

vineri, 2 aprilie 2010

Un comentariu destept

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tomleeza Communism by Marx is a perfect theoretical idea of just and equal society. However, its impossible to implement it in pracrice because of human factor. Human beings are always greedy and egoistic creatures competing for the better and warmer place under the Sun. Never ever humans will be able to build an equal society, because there always will be smarter, greedier and more cunning persons than others.
That's what we are: greedy and jealous animals, fighting for a better place.

Comunismul dupa Marx este o idee teoretica perfecta pentru o societate dreapta unde oamenii sa fie egali . Totusi este imposibil de pus in practica din cauza factorului uman .Oamenii sunt fiinte lacome si egoiste care se lupta pentru un loc mai bun si mai cald sub soare . Niciodata oamenii nu vor fi in stare sa construiasca o societate dreapta pentru ca intotdeauna se vor gasi unii mai lacomi si mai sireti decat altii .Asta suntem noi : niste animale lacome si invidioase care se lupta pentru un loc mai bun .

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Irina Rozanova - o actrita din Rusia

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Cateva fraze traduse de mine din acest interviu :
Я сама люблю доброе кино и знаю, что нашим людям, простым зрителям, тоже нравится доброе, красивое кино
Eu insami iubesc filmele care trateaza binele si stiu ca si oamenii, simpli spectatori , iubesc filmul frumos .
не в деньгах счастье! Я из поколения пионеров-романтиков и — правда! — верю в сказки. Пусть хотя бы на экране наша сказка станет реальностью и добро победит все. В нашей «Иронии любви» есть любовь, есть фантазия, и это так важно в наше время, когда кругом только деньги, карьера, материальные ценности.
Fericirea nu consta in bani ! Eu sunt din generatia pionerilor romantici .Eu cred in basme .Macar pe ecrane basmul sa devina realitate si binele sa invinga . In filmul nostru " Ironia iubirii " este iubire , este imaginatie , si aceastea sunt lucruri foarte importante in vremurile noastre cand in jur toti alearga dupa bani , cariera si bunuri materiale .

A few words about me

HTML clipboardMy name is Teodor Munteanu and I am a former English teacher who earns his living by singing for adults and kids . I write music , do my own shows , manage a group of talented young musicians , make background tracks , write lyrics . I speak English ,Russian and Italian . You can find me on Yahoo Messenger .My Id is : iasievents .
On this blog you can find some pictures and clips shot from my little performances in schools in kindergartens .

Postare prezentată

Teodor Munteanu-autorul cantecelului Ursuletii s-au trezit, buna dimineata

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