a must list= lista cu prioritati
speechless= mut
He's in a mean mood today.= El are o dispozitie proasta astazi
usage= utilizare
resign= to step down= a demisiona
It must be awful to have no friends.= Trebuie sa fie groaznic sa nu ai prieteni.
team= echipa
to sigh= a ofta
allowance= alocatie
shifters= persoane schimbatoare/ nehotarat
I've had enough.Game over= M-am saturat! Jocul s-a terminat!
magnifying glass= lupa
to set conditions= a stabili conditiile
brass spoons= linguri de arama(copper= cupru)/ alama(=yellow metal)
Paul's mom was ill with depression.= Mama lui Paul era suferinda de depresie.
tattoo= tatuaj
She shot me poisonous looks. = Ea mi-a aruncat priviri otravitoare.
shoot-shot-shot= a impusca
to shoot an arrow- a trage o sageata
to tease= a tachina
to make a promise= a face o promisiune
make-made-made= a face
do-did-done= a face
on purpose= dinadins
ballpoint pen= pix
top hat= joben
engine= motor, locomotiva
subsidize= a subventiona
officer= functionar/ ofitier de politie
earmuffs= earphones= casti
kernels= samburi, boabe de porumb
Mom let me get a strobe light.= Mama m-a lasat sa-mi iau un stroboscope.
wipe= a sterge
peel= a coji
melt= a se topi
Some kids cannot cope with proper school.= Unii copii nu fac fata la o scoala normala
a disturbed boy= un baiat cu tulburari de comportament
cauliflower= conopida
a home-made apple pie= o placinta de mar facuta de casa
I'm stuffed= Sunt satul( ghiftuit) ( My stomach is full).
She burst into tears.= Ea izbucni in lacrimi.
silence= liniste, tacere
rays= raze
despairingly= cu disperare
fur coat= haina de blana
anger= furie
pride= mandrie
chin= barbie
daughter= fiica
They help each other=Ei se ajuta unul pe altul( reciproc).
My glasses are broken.= Ochelarii mei sunt stricati.
Hurry up! Grabeste-te !
damage= dauna
despondency= deznadejde
waves= unde, valuri
virtue= virtute
perhaps= poate
distraught= very worried and upset.
Distraught parents are looking for a runaway teenager.= Parinti f.ingrijorati cauta un adolescent fugar.
to wander= a hoinari
to wonder= a se minuna, a se intreba
to merge= a se contopi
Don-t judge her harshly.= Nu o judecati prea aspru.
depressed= deprimat.
🇵🇪 Landslides in southern #Peru have left at least 15 people dead, 20 injured and two missing, authorities said Monday, warning that the toll from the disaster could rise.
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