miercuri, 23 octombrie 2024

Galbena Gutuie in engleza

Here’s a translation of the poem by Adrian Păunescu, maintaining its rhythm and tone:

It’s Their Time, The Quince’s Time

Sweet, yellow light so warm
Just like me, when I was blonde,
Mother placed a quince to ripen
Slowly by the window's bond.

I would bite it, but it pains me,
Fills me with a deep desire,
And as the year goes drifting by,
I feel it's aging in the fire.

Yellow quince aglow,
Bitter-sweet it shows,
Lamp upon the sill,
Lights our winter's chill!

Mother had no glassy baubles,
No tinsel, and no shining star,
Winter holidays were dressed
With quinces shining near and far.

Mother placed a yellow quince
In the window facing out,
And I see it shining still,
But I can’t bear to take a bite.

Seems it has a ticking clock,
And my mother’s sacred tears,
It shines bright, then fades away—
A quince’s life across the years.

Mother’s greatest luxury,
When we still felt like her children,
Was the bread upon the table
And the quince set by the window.



Dulce, galbenă lumină
Cum şi eu bălai-eram
Mi-a pus mama o gutuie
Ce se coace-ncet la geam...

Aş muşca-o dar mă doare
Mă cuprinde-un fel de jind
Şi acum cînd trece anul
Parc-o simt îmbătrînind.

Galbenă gutuie
Dulce, amăruie
Lampă la fereastră
Toată iarna noastră!

Mama mea n-avea nici globuri
Nici beteală şi nici stea
Sărbătorile de iarnă
Cu gutui le-mpodobea...

Mi-a pus mama o gutuie
În fereastra dinspre drum
Şi o văd că luminează
N-am puterea s-o consum.

Parcă are-n ea ceasornic
Şi al mamei plînset sfînt
Luminează şi se stinge
O gutuie pe pămînt.

Luxul mamei cel mai mare
Cînd copii ne mai simţeam
Era pîinea de pe masă
Şi gutuia de la geam.

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