luni, 9 septembrie 2024


 1. **English**: The horizon stretches as far as the eye can see.  

   **Romanian**: Orizontul se întinde cât vezi cu ochii.

2. **English**: The sun sets beautifully on the horizon every evening.  

   **Romanian**: Soarele apune frumos la orizont în fiecare seară.

3. **English**: The horizon gives us a sense of infinite possibilities.  

   **Romanian**: Orizontul ne oferă un sentiment de posibilități infinite.

4. **English**: Ships disappear beyond the horizon as they sail away.  

   **Romanian**: Corăbiile dispar dincolo de orizont pe măsură ce navighează departe.

5. **English**: On a clear day, the horizon seems to be endless.  

   **Romanian**: Într-o zi senină, orizontul pare a fi fără sfârșit.

6. **English**: The horizon line separates the sky from the earth.  

   **Romanian**: Linia orizontului separă cerul de pământ.

7. **English**: Watching the horizon can be very calming.  

   **Romanian**: Privirea orizontului poate fi foarte liniștitoare.

8. **English**: Mountains sometimes block the view of the horizon.  

   **Romanian**: Munții blochează uneori vederea orizontului.

9. **English**: As we walk forward, the horizon moves with us.  

   **Romanian**: Pe măsură ce mergem înainte, orizontul se mișcă odată cu noi.

10. **English**: The horizon is a symbol of new beginnings.  

    **Romanian**: Orizontul este un simbol al noilor începuturi.

11. **English**: The sea merges with the sky at the horizon.  

    **Romanian**: Marea se unește cu cerul la orizont.

12. **English**: The horizon often appears closer in the desert.  

    **Romanian**: Orizontul pare adesea mai aproape în deșert.

13. **English**: Artists often paint the horizon to symbolize distance.  

    **Romanian**: Artiștii pictează adesea orizontul pentru a simboliza distanța.

14. **English**: The horizon changes color during sunrise and sunset.  

    **Romanian**: Orizontul își schimbă culoarea în timpul răsăritului și apusului.

15. **English**: We all look towards the horizon for hope.  

    **Romanian**: Cu toții privim spre orizont pentru speranță.

16. **English**: The horizon is a boundary that we cannot reach.  

    **Romanian**: Orizontul este o limită pe care nu o putem atinge.

17. **English**: Clouds sometimes obscure the horizon, hiding it from view.  

    **Romanian**: Norii ascund uneori orizontul, ferindu-l de privire.

18. **English**: The horizon is always straight, no matter where you stand.  

    **Romanian**: Orizontul este mereu drept, indiferent unde te afli.

19. **English**: Airplanes appear small as they approach the horizon.  

    **Romanian**: Avioanele par mici pe măsură ce se apropie de orizont.

20. **English**: The horizon invites us to dream of distant lands.  

    **Romanian**: Orizontul ne invită să visăm la ținuturi îndepărtate.

Sure! Here are definitions for 30 words from the sentences about the horizon:

1. **Horizon**: The line where the earth's surface and the sky appear to meet.

2. **Stretch**: To extend or spread over a large area or distance.

3. **Eye**: The organ of vision that allows sight.

4. **See**: To perceive with the eyes.

5. **Sun**: The star at the center of the solar system, which provides light and heat to the Earth.

6. **Set**: When the sun goes below the horizon at the end of the day.

7. **Beautifully**: In a way that is pleasing to the senses.

8. **Evening**: The period of time at the end of the day, between afternoon and night.

9. **Sense**: A feeling or perception about something.

10. **Infinite**: Without limits or end.

11. **Possibilities**: Things that may happen or be true.

12. **Disappear**: To stop being visible; to vanish.

13. **Beyond**: Further than a particular point or limit.

14. **Sail**: To travel on water, especially in a boat or ship.

15. **Clear**: Free from clouds, fog, or other obstructions to visibility.

16. **Endless**: Having no end or limit.

17. **Line**: A long, narrow mark or boundary.

18. **Separate**: To divide or set apart.

19. **Sky**: The region of the atmosphere and outer space seen from Earth.

20. **Earth**: The planet we live on.

21. **Calming**: Having a soothing or relaxing effect.

22. **Mountains**: Large natural elevations of the Earth's surface.

23. **Block**: To obstruct or prevent passage.

24. **Forward**: Toward a position in front of you; ahead.

25. **Move**: To change position or place.

26. **Symbol**: Something that represents or stands for something else.

27. **Merge**: To combine or blend together.

28. **Desert**: A dry, barren area of land with little vegetation.

29. **Artist**: A person who creates works of art, such as paintings or sculptures.

30. **Distance**: The space between two points or places.

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