duminică, 8 septembrie 2024


 1. **English**: Kindness is the key to building strong relationships.  

   **Romanian**: Cumsecadenia este cheia pentru a construi relații puternice.

2. **English**: A kind heart can brighten someone's day.  

   **Romanian**: O inimă cumsecade poate însenina ziua cuiva.

3. **English**: Showing kindness to others brings peace within.  

   **Romanian**: Arătând cumsecadenie celorlalți, aduci pace în suflet.

4. **English**: True strength lies in being kind even when it’s difficult.  

   **Romanian**: Adevărata putere constă în a fi cumsecade chiar și atunci când e dificil.

5. **English**: Kindness doesn’t cost anything but means everything.  

   **Romanian**: Cumsecadenia nu costă nimic, dar înseamnă totul.

6. **English**: In a world where you can be anything, be kind.  

   **Romanian**: Într-o lume în care poți fi orice, fii cumsecade.

7. **English**: Small acts of kindness can have a big impact.  

   **Romanian**: Micile acte de cumsecadenie pot avea un impact mare.

8. **English**: Being kind makes the world a better place.  

   **Romanian**: A fi cumsecade face lumea un loc mai bun.

9. **English**: Kindness is contagious; when you show it, others do the same.  

   **Romanian**: Cumsecadenia este contagioasă; când o arăți, și alții fac la fel.

10. **English**: A kind word can heal a broken heart.  

   **Romanian**: Un cuvânt cumsecade poate vindeca o inimă rănită.

11. **English**: The best way to lead is through kindness and understanding.  

   **Romanian**: Cel mai bun mod de a conduce este prin cumsecadenie și înțelegere.

12. **English**: Sometimes, the kindest thing you can do is just listen.  

   **Romanian**: Uneori, cel mai cumsecade lucru pe care îl poți face este să asculți.

13. **English**: Kindness is the language everyone understands.  

   **Romanian**: Cumsecadenia este limba pe care toată lumea o înțelege.

14. **English**: A world full of kindness is a world full of peace.  

   **Romanian**: O lume plină de cumsecadenie este o lume plină de pace.

15. **English**: Helping others without expecting anything in return is true kindness.  

   **Romanian**: A ajuta pe alții fără a aștepta nimic în schimb este adevărata cumsecadenie.

16. **English**: Kindness can change someone's entire outlook on life.  

   **Romanian**: Cumsecadenia poate schimba întreaga perspectivă a cuiva asupra vieții.

17. **English**: It takes a kind heart to forgive and move on.  

   **Romanian**: Este nevoie de o inimă cumsecade pentru a ierta și a merge mai departe.

18. **English**: Kindness is a gift everyone can afford to give.  

   **Romanian**: Cumsecadenia este un dar pe care toți îl putem oferi.

19. **English**: People will remember your kindness long after they forget your words.  

   **Romanian**: Oamenii își vor aminti de cumsecadenia ta mult timp după ce vor uita cuvintele tale.

20. **English**: Kindness makes life more beautiful for everyone.  

   **Romanian**: Cumsecadenia face viața mai frumoasă pentru toți.

Here are definitions for 20 words from the sentences above:

1. **Kindness**  

   **Definition**: The quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate.

2. **Relationships**  

   **Definition**: The way in which two or more people or groups feel about and behave toward each other.

3. **Heart**  

   **Definition**: The central or innermost part of something, often used metaphorically to refer to emotions or kindness.

4. **Brighten**  

   **Definition**: To make something lighter or more cheerful.

5. **Peace**  

   **Definition**: A state of tranquility or quietness, free from disturbance.

6. **Strength**  

   **Definition**: The quality or state of being physically or mentally strong.

7. **Difficult**  

   **Definition**: Hard to do, deal with, or understand.

8. **Cost**  

   **Definition**: The amount paid or required in exchange for something; can also refer to something valuable being given up.

9. **Impact**  

   **Definition**: The effect or influence of one person, thing, or action on another.

10. **World**  

   **Definition**: The earth and all its inhabitants, or the realm in which people live and interact.

11. **Contagious**  

   **Definition**: Capable of being spread from one person or organism to another, usually used figuratively in this context.

12. **Heal**  

   **Definition**: To make healthy or whole again, especially after an injury or emotional hurt.

13. **Lead**  

   **Definition**: To guide or direct a group, organization, or action.

14. **Listen**  

   **Definition**: To give one’s attention to sound or a person speaking.

15. **Language**  

   **Definition**: A system of communication used by a particular country or community.

16. **Peace**  

   **Definition**: A state of calm or quiet, often characterized by the absence of conflict.

17. **Help**  

   **Definition**: To make it easier or possible for someone to do something by offering one’s services or resources.

18. **Forgive**  

   **Definition**: To stop feeling angry or resentful toward someone for an offense, flaw, or mistake.

19. **Gift**  

   **Definition**: Something given voluntarily without payment in return, as to show favor toward someone.

20. **Beautiful**  

   **Definition**: Pleasing the senses or mind aesthetically; attractive or pleasant.

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