duminică, 8 septembrie 2024


 1. **Meerkats live in large groups called "mobs" or "gangs".**  

   Suricatele trăiesc în grupuri mari numite "mangoose" sau "ganguri".

2. **They are social animals that work together to protect their group members.**  

   Sunt animale sociale care colaborează pentru a-și proteja membrii grupului.

3. **Meerkats build complex burrows for shelter.**  

   Suricatele își construiesc vizuini complexe pentru adăpost.

4. **They have excellent eyesight, being able to spot predators from great distances.**  

   Ele au o vedere foarte bună, fiind capabile să detecteze prădătorii de la distanțe mari.

5. **Meerkats feed on insects, eggs, lizards, and other small animals.**  

   Suricatele se hrănesc cu insecte, ouă, șopârle și alte animale mici.

6. **One meerkat stands guard while the rest of the group feeds.**  

   O suricată stă de pază în timp ce restul grupului se hrănește.

7. **They primarily live in the deserts of southern Africa.**  

   Trăiesc în principal în deșerturile din sudul Africii.

8. **Meerkats communicate with each other through a series of sounds and signals.**  

   Suricatele comunică între ele printr-o serie de sunete și semnale.

9. **They have a highly developed sense of smell, which they use to detect food.**  

   Ele au un simț foarte bine dezvoltat al mirosului, pe care îl folosesc pentru a detecta hrană.

10. **The fur of meerkats protects them from the extreme temperatures of the desert.**  

   Blana suricatelor le protejează de temperaturile extreme din deșert.

11. **They are known for their characteristic stance, standing on two legs to survey their surroundings.**  

   Sunt cunoscute pentru poziția lor caracteristică, stând în două picioare pentru a-și monitoriza împrejurimile.

12. **Meerkats can live up to 12 years in captivity.**  

   Suricatele pot trăi până la 12 ani în captivitate.

13. **Females dominate meerkat groups and make decisions regarding internal organization.**  

   Femelele domină grupurile de suricate și decid organizarea internă.

14. **Meerkats are immune to many types of venom, including that of snakes.**  

   Suricatele sunt imune la multe tipuri de veninuri, inclusiv cel de șarpe.

15. **They spend most of their day foraging for food in the desert sands.**  

   Ele își petrec cea mai mare parte a zilei căutând hrană în nisipul deșertului.

16. **Meerkat pups are cared for by all members of the group, not just their parents.**  

   Puii de suricată sunt îngrijiți de toți membrii grupului, nu doar de părinți.

17. **Meerkats have strong claws, which they use for digging and capturing prey.**  

   Suricatele au gheare puternice, pe care le folosesc pentru săpat și capturarea prăzii.

18. **Meerkat groups defend their territory against other groups.**  

   Grupurile de suricate își apără teritoriul împotriva altor grupuri.

19. **When threatened, meerkats emit an alarm call to warn the group.**  

   Când sunt amenințate, suricatele emit un sunet de alarmă pentru a avertiza grupul.

20. **Meerkats have a strict hierarchy, and only the dominant pair reproduces.**  

   Suricatele au o ierarhie strictă, iar numai perechea dominantă se reproduce.

Here are 40 words from the sentences above, with their definitions:

1. **Meerkats**: Small, burrowing mammals that live in groups in southern Africa.

2. **Live**: To reside or exist in a certain environment or habitat.

3. **Groups**: Collections of individuals, in this case, animals, that live or move together.

4. **Mobs**: Another term for a large group of meerkats.

5. **Social**: Relating to living in groups or interacting with others of the same species.

6. **Animals**: Living organisms that feed on organic matter, typically moving and responding to their environment.

7. **Work**: The act of performing tasks, often in cooperation, for a purpose.

8. **Together**: In the company or presence of others; in unison.

9. **Protect**: To keep safe from harm or danger.

10. **Build**: To construct or form something by putting parts or materials together.

11. **Complex**: Consisting of many different parts that are connected or related.

12. **Burrows**: Holes or tunnels dug by animals as a place to live or for protection.

13. **Shelter**: A place providing protection from bad weather or danger.

14. **Eyesight**: The ability to see; vision.

15. **Spot**: To notice or detect something, usually with one's vision.

16. **Predators**: Animals that hunt and eat other animals for food.

17. **Distances**: The amount of space between two points.

18. **Feed**: To give or take food.

19. **Insects**: Small invertebrates with six legs and often wings, such as ants, bees, or flies.

20. **Eggs**: Round or oval reproductive bodies produced by birds, reptiles, and some mammals.

21. **Lizards**: A type of reptile, often small, with a long body and tail, and typically four legs.

22. **Small**: Not large in size or quantity.

23. **Guard**: A person or animal who watches over something to protect it.

24. **Rest**: The remaining portion of a group or a thing.

25. **Primarily**: Mainly or mostly.

26. **Deserts**: Dry, barren areas of land where very little precipitation occurs.

27. **Southern**: Relating to or situated in the south.

28. **Africa**: A continent, home to many deserts, including the Kalahari, where meerkats live.

29. **Communicate**: To share or exchange information, news, or ideas.

30. **Sounds**: Vibrations that travel through the air and can be heard when they reach the ear.

31. **Signals**: Gestures, actions, or sounds used to convey information or instructions.

32. **Developed**: Advanced or brought to a more complete or effective state.

33. **Smell**: The sense by which animals and humans perceive scents.

34. **Detect**: To discover or identify the presence of something.

35. **Food**: Any nutritious substance consumed by organisms to sustain life.

36. **Fur**: The thick hair that covers the skin of certain animals.

37. **Temperatures**: The degree or intensity of heat present in an environment.

38. **Extreme**: Exceeding the ordinary, usual, or expected levels, often referring to conditions.

39. **Characteristic**: A feature or quality that is typical of something.

40. **Survey**: To look carefully and thoroughly at something, often to assess it.

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