vineri, 6 septembrie 2024


 1. **The orchard is full of apple trees.**  

   Livada este plină de meri.

2. **In the spring, the trees blossom beautifully.**  

   Primăvara, copacii înfloresc frumos.

3. **The sweet fragrance of flowers fills the air.**  

   Parfumul dulce al florilor umple aerul.

4. **Children love to play among the trees.**  

   Copiilor le place să se joace printre copaci.

5. **Birds sing joyfully in the orchard.**  

   Păsările cântă vesel în livadă.

6. **The orchard is a peaceful place to relax.**  

   Livada este un loc liniștit pentru relaxare.

7. **In autumn, the trees are full of ripe fruit.**  

   Toamna, copacii sunt plini de fructe coapte.

8. **Farmers pick apples and pears from the orchard.**  

   Fermierii culeg mere și pere din livadă.

9. **The orchard is well-maintained by the gardener.**  

   Livada este bine întreținută de grădinar.

10. **The fruit trees need sunlight and water to grow.**  

    Pomii fructiferi au nevoie de soare și apă pentru a crește.

11. **In summer, the orchard provides shade from the heat.**  

    Vara, livada oferă umbră de la căldură.

12. **Bees buzz around the blossoms, collecting nectar.**  

    Albinele bâzâie în jurul florilor, colectând nectar.

13. **The orchard is surrounded by green fields.**  

    Livada este înconjurată de câmpuri verzi.

14. **During the harvest season, the orchard is busy.**  

    În timpul sezonului de recoltare, livada este aglomerată.

15. **The trees in the orchard grow taller each year.**  

    Pomii din livadă cresc mai înalți în fiecare an.

16. **The orchard produces fresh and organic fruit.**  

    Livada produce fructe proaspete și organice.

17. **A cool breeze often blows through the orchard.**  

    O briză răcoroasă adie adesea prin livadă.

18. **In winter, the orchard is covered with snow.**  

    Iarna, livada este acoperită cu zăpadă.

19. **The orchard is a beautiful place to take a walk.**  

    Livada este un loc frumos pentru o plimbare.

20. **Families enjoy picnics in the orchard during summer.**  

    Familiile se bucură de picnicuri în livadă vara.

Here are 30 words from the sentences above, along with their definitions:

1. **Orchard**  

   A piece of land where fruit trees are grown.


2. **Blossom**  

   The flowers that appear on a tree or bush before the fruit.

3. **Fragrance**  

   A pleasant or sweet smell, especially from flowers.

4. **Ripe**  

   Fully developed and ready to be harvested or eaten (refers to fruit).

5. **Harvest**  

   The process or period of gathering crops.

6. **Maintained**  

   Kept in good condition or cared for regularly.

7. **Sunlight**  

   The light that comes from the sun.

8. **Shade**  

   An area where direct sunlight is blocked, often providing a cooler environment.

9. **Nectar**  

   A sugary liquid secreted by flowers, used by bees to make honey.

10. **Surrounded**  

    Being on all sides of something or someone.

11. **Fields**  

    Large open areas of land, often used for farming or growing crops.

12. **Recolt (Harvest)**  

    The action of collecting mature crops from the fields.

13. **Taller**  

    Being higher or greater in height.

14. **Organic**  

    Refers to food or products grown without the use of synthetic pesticides or chemicals.

15. **Breeze**  

    A gentle or light wind.

16. **Buzz**  

    A continuous, low sound made by flying insects like bees.

17. **Blow**  

    To move with force, as air does in a wind.

18. **Covered**  

    Completely enclosed or hidden, often by another substance like snow.

19. **Families**  

    A group of individuals related by blood or marriage, living together.

20. **Picnic**  

    A meal eaten outdoors, usually as part of a trip or special occasion.

21. **Fresh**  

    Recently made, harvested, or obtained; not stale or spoiled.

22. **Cozy (Cool)**  

    Comfortable or pleasantly cool, especially in relation to the weather.

23. **Peaceful**  

    Free from disturbance; tranquil or calm.

24. **Relax**  

    To become less tense, stressed, or worried; to rest.

25. **Joyfully**  

    In a way that expresses happiness or delight.

26. **Busy**  

    Occupied with activities; full of people or movement.

27. **Tall**  

    Having greater than average height.

28. **Winter**  

    The coldest season of the year, following autumn and preceding spring.

29. **Season**  

    One of the four divisions of the year, marked by particular weather patterns and daylight hours.

30. **Briză (Breeze)**  

    A gentle wind, often refreshing, that moves through the air.

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