marți, 21 noiembrie 2023

150 Yes/No Questions

1. Is the Earth round? Yes.

2. Do dogs bark? Yes.

3. Is the sun a star? Yes.

4. Are tomatoes fruits? Yes.

5. Can birds fly? Yes.

6. Is the Pacific Ocean the largest ocean? Yes.

7. Are diamonds made of carbon? Yes.

8. Is fire hot? Yes.

9. Do humans have five fingers on each hand? Yes.

10. Is the Statue of Liberty located in New York? Yes.

11. Are elephants herbivores? Yes.

12. Does light travel faster than sound? Yes.

13. Is the moon larger than Pluto? No.

14. Are hurricanes formed over oceans? Yes.

15. Can snakes see in the dark? No.

16. Is water essential for human survival? Yes.

17. Are penguins found in the Arctic? No.

18. Is chocolate derived from cacao beans? Yes.

19. Do plants need sunlight to grow? Yes.

20. Is the Great Wall of China visible from space? No.

21. Are koalas bears? No.

22. Is the Eiffel Tower in France? Yes.

23. Do ants have six legs? Yes.

24. Is Mount Everest the tallest mountain? Yes.

25. Are owls nocturnal? Yes.

26. Can fish breathe underwater? Yes.

27. Is the Amazon River the longest river? No.

28. Are oranges a citrus fruit? Yes.

29. Is the Mona Lisa a painting? Yes.

30. Do spiders have eight legs? Yes.

31. Is the Sahara Desert the largest hot desert? Yes.

32. Are bicycles a form of transportation? Yes.

33. Is the Statue of Liberty green? Yes.

34. Are honeybees important for pollination? Yes.

35. Is gold a metal? Yes.

36. Do humans need oxygen to survive? Yes.

37. Is Pluto a planet? No.

38. Is the Atlantic Ocean wider than the Pacific? No.

39. Are earthquakes caused by tectonic plates? Yes.

40. Is the White House in Washington, D.C.? Yes.

41. Are thunderstorms accompanied by lightning? Yes.

42. Is the speed of light constant? Yes.

43. Do kangaroos live in Australia? Yes.

44. Is the heart a vital organ? Yes.

45. Are zebras black with white stripes? No.

46. Is Jupiter the largest planet in our solar system? Yes.

47. Do roses have thorns? Yes.

48. Is the leaning Tower of Pisa in Italy? Yes.

49. Are hurricanes named alphabetically? Yes.

50. Is the English language widely spoken? Yes.

51. Are lemons sour? Yes.

52. Is the human body mostly water? Yes.

53. Do polar bears live in the Antarctic? No.

54. Is the Great Barrier Reef in Australia? Yes.

55. Can giraffes swim? No.

56. Is the currency in Japan the yen? Yes.

57. Are rainbows formed by the refraction of light? Yes.

58. Is the Earth's core mostly composed of iron? Yes.

59. Do snakes hibernate in winter? Yes.

60. Is the Nile River in Africa? Yes.

61. Are dolphins mammals? Yes.

62. Is the speed of sound faster in solids than in gases? Yes.

63. Are sunflowers heliotropic? Yes.

64. Is Antarctica the coldest continent? Yes.

65. Do octopuses have three hearts? Yes.

66. Is the Mona Lisa displayed in the Louvre? Yes.

67. Are strawberries berries? No.

68. Is the human brain the control center of the body? Yes.

69. Do eagles have excellent eyesight? Yes.

70. Is the Sydney Opera House in Australia? Yes.

71. Is aluminum a type of metal? Yes.

72. Do butterflies undergo metamorphosis? Yes.

73. Is the currency in the United Kingdom the pound? Yes.

74. Are tigers herbivores? No.

75. Is the Taj Mahal in India? Yes.

76. Do comets have tails? Yes.

77. Is the platypus a mammal? Yes.

78. Are hurricanes given names? Yes.

79. Is the Hubble Space Telescope in orbit? Yes.

80. Do trees produce oxygen? Yes.

81. Is the Red Sea a saltwater sea? Yes.

82. Are owls considered wise birds? No.

83. Is the Panama Canal in Central America? Yes.

84. Are snowflakes symmetrical? Yes.

85. Is the currency in Canada the Canadian dollar? Yes.

86. Do humans have a unique fingerprint? Yes.

87. Is the Venus Flytrap a carnivorous plant? Yes.

88. Are maple leaves a symbol of Canada? Yes.

89. Is carbon dioxide a greenhouse gas? Yes.

90. Do whales communicate through songs? Yes.

91. Is the Celsius scale used for measuring temperature? Yes.

92. Are there 24 hours in a day? Yes.

93. Is the Great Wall of China over 13,000 miles long? No.

94. Do camels store water in their humps? No.

95. Is Mount Kilimanjaro in Africa? Yes.

96. Are there eight planets in our solar system? No.

97. Is the Mona Lisa smiling? No.

98. Do honeybees dance to communicate? Yes.

99. Is the currency in Germany the euro? Yes.

100. Is the northern lights also called the aurora borealis? Yes.

101. Are giraffes the tallest land animals? Yes.

102. Is the Earth the only planet with liquid water? Yes.

103. Do bees make honey from nectar? Yes.

104. Is the Statue of Liberty made of copper? Yes.

105. Are kangaroos marsupials? Yes.

106. Is the Leaning Tower of Pisa leaning because of a foundation issue? Yes.

107. Are sunsets more colorful when there's pollution in the air? Yes.

108. Do snakes have external ears? No.

109. Is the Great Wall of China over 2,000 years old? Yes.

110. Do all human fingerprints have unique patterns? Yes.

111. Are clouds made up of water vapor? Yes.

112. Is the Earth the only planet that rotates clockwise? No.

113. Do dolphins sleep with one eye open? Yes.

114. Is the Mona Lisa's smile considered mysterious? Yes.

115. Are there more than 100 billion galaxies in the observable universe? Yes.

116. Do spiders have brains? Yes.

117. Is the Sahara Desert expanding? Yes.

118. Are there more than 200 bones in the adult human body? No.

119. Do owls turn their heads 360 degrees? No.

120. Is lightning hotter than the surface of the sun? Yes.

121. Are there more than 50 U.S. states? No.

122. Do butterflies taste with their feet? Yes.

123. Is the currency in France the franc? No.

124. Are there more than 500 species of sharks? Yes.

125. Is the Earth's atmosphere composed mainly of nitrogen? Yes.

126. Do elephants have excellent memories? Yes.

127. Is the currency in China the yuan? Yes.

128. Are there more than 100 bones

 in an adult human hand? No.

129. Do all snowflakes have a unique pattern? Yes.

130. Is the Great Barrier Reef the largest coral reef system? Yes.

131. Are there more than 30 species of dolphins? Yes.

132. Do cats have retractable claws? Yes.

133. Is the currency in Russia the ruble? Yes.

134. Are there more than 100 known elements in the periodic table? Yes.

135. Do chameleons change color to blend in with their surroundings? Yes.

136. Is the Earth the only planet with an atmosphere? No.

137. Do hurricanes rotate counterclockwise in the Northern Hemisphere? Yes.

138. Is the currency in Brazil the peso? No.

139. Are there more than 10,000 known species of birds? Yes.

140. Do sharks have bones? No.

141. Is the Earth's magnetic field generated by its core? Yes.

142. Are there more than 50 recognized constellations? Yes.

143. Do ants sleep? No.

144. Is the currency in India the rupee? Yes.

145. Are there more than 200 recognized breeds of dogs? Yes.

146. Do whales have gills? No.

147. Is the Earth the only planet with a moon? No.

148. Do all snowflakes fall in a hexagonal shape? No.

149. Is the currency in Australia the dollar? Yes.

150. Are there more than 100 recognized types of pasta? Yes.

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Teodor Munteanu-autorul cantecelului Ursuletii s-au trezit, buna dimineata

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