marți, 21 noiembrie 2023


 But suddenly he hit some jackpot... and now owns a posh restaurant.

Romanian: Dintr-odată a dat lovitura și acum are un restaurant luxos.

The comforts, exclusive cars, expensive attires, a posh home...

Romanian: Confortul, mașinile exclusive, ținute scumpe, o casa eleganta...

1. She always dresses in posh clothes. (Italian: Lei si veste sempre in abiti eleganti. Russian: Она всегда одевается в шикарную одежду.)

2. We went to a posh restaurant for our anniversary. (Italian: Siamo andati in un ristorante di lusso per il nostro anniversario. Russian: Мы пошли в роскошный ресторан нашей годовщине.)

3. The posh neighborhood is known for its luxury villas. (Italian: Il quartiere elegante è noto per le sue ville di lusso. Russian: Район с богатыми жителями известен своими роскошными виллами.)

4. She has a posh car that turns heads wherever she goes. (Italian: Ha una macchina di lusso che fa girare la testa ovunque vada. Russian: У нее есть шикарная машина, которая привлекает внимание везде, где она появляется.)

5. The hotel we stayed at was quite posh, with a spa and gourmet restaurant. (Italian: L'hotel in cui abbiamo alloggiato era abbastanza elegante, con una spa e un ristorante gourmet. Russian: Отель, в котором мы остановились, был довольно роскошным, с спа-центром и рестораном гурме.)

6. She comes from a posh family and has always had the best of everything. (Italian: Viene da una famiglia agiata e ha sempre avuto il meglio di tutto. Russian: Она родом из богатой семьи и всегда имела все самое лучшее.)

7. The posh event was filled with influential people from the industry. (Italian: L'evento di lusso era pieno di persone influenti del settore. Russian: Роскошное мероприятие было заполнено влиятельными людьми из отрасли.)

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