vineri, 6 septembrie 2024


 1. **Beads are often used to make jewelry.**  

   Mărgelele sunt adesea folosite pentru a face bijuterii.

2. **She wore a necklace made of colorful beads.**  

   Ea a purtat un colier din mărgele colorate.

3. **Beads come in various shapes and sizes.**  

   Mărgelele vin în diferite forme și dimensiuni.

4. **The beads on her bracelet were made of glass.**  

   Mărgelele de pe brățara ei erau făcute din sticlă.

5. **He carefully threaded the beads onto a string.**  

   El a înșirat cu grijă mărgelele pe un fir.

6. **Some beads are made from natural stones.**  

   Unele mărgele sunt făcute din pietre naturale.

7. **She loves making handmade bead jewelry.**  

   Ei îi place să facă bijuterii din mărgele lucrate manual.

8. **Beads can also be used to decorate clothing.**  

   Mărgelele pot fi folosite și pentru a decora haine.

9. **The intricate bead patterns on the dress were stunning.**  

   Modelele complicate de mărgele de pe rochie erau uimitoare.

10. **Wooden beads are popular in bohemian-style accessories.**  

    Mărgelele din lemn sunt populare în accesoriile de stil boem.

11. **She collects vintage beads from antique stores.**  

    Ea colecționează mărgele vintage din magazinele de antichități.

12. **The beads sparkled in the sunlight.**  

    Mărgelele străluceau în lumina soarelui.

13. **Beads are often used in traditional crafts around the world.**  

    Mărgelele sunt adesea folosite în meșteșugurile tradiționale din întreaga lume.

14. **Her earrings were adorned with tiny, delicate beads.**  

    Cerceii ei erau împodobiți cu mărgele mici și delicate.

15. **She learned how to weave bead designs from her grandmother.**  

    Ea a învățat să împletească modele din mărgele de la bunica ei.

16. **Beads made from clay are popular in many cultures.**  

    Mărgelele făcute din lut sunt populare în multe culturi.

17. **The bracelet was composed of silver beads and charms.**  

    Brățara era compusă din mărgele de argint și pandantive.

18. **Beads can also be used to make beautiful keychains.**  

    Mărgelele pot fi folosite și pentru a face brelocuri frumoase.

19. **She spent hours arranging the beads in the perfect pattern.**  

    Ea a petrecut ore întregi aranjând mărgelele în modelul perfect.

20. **Many people enjoy beadwork as a relaxing hobby.**  

    Mulți oameni se bucură de lucrul cu mărgele ca hobby relaxant.

Here are 40 words from the sentences above, along with their definitions:

1. **Beads**  

   Small, usually round objects made of various materials, often used in jewelry or for decoration.

2. **Jewelry**  

   Decorative items, such as necklaces, bracelets, or rings, typically worn on the body.

3. **Necklace**  

   A piece of jewelry worn around the neck, often made of beads, metal, or gems.

4. **Colorful**  

   Having many bright colors.

5. **Bracelet**  

   A piece of jewelry worn around the wrist, often made of beads or metal.

6. **Threaded**  

   The action of passing a string or thread through something, such as beads.

7. **String**  

   A thin cord or thread used to connect beads or other small objects.

8. **Natural stones**  

   Rocks or minerals that are used for decoration, such as in jewelry, and not artificially made.

9. **Handmade**  

   Made by hand, not by machine, often implying craftsmanship.

10. **Decorate**  

    To make something more attractive by adding ornaments or adornments.

11. **Clothing**  

    Items worn on the body, such as shirts, pants, and dresses.

12. **Intricate**  

    Very detailed and complex, often requiring careful work.

13. **Pattern**  

    A repeated decorative design.

14. **Stunning**  

    Extremely impressive or attractive.

15. **Wooden**  

    Made of wood.

16. **Bohemian**  

    A style associated with a free-spirited and artistic lifestyle, often using natural materials and vibrant patterns.

17. **Vintage**  

    Items from the past, typically associated with high quality or distinct style.

18. **Antique**  

    A collectible object, often valuable, that is from a previous time period.

19. **Sparkled**  

    To shine with small, bright flashes of light.

20. **Traditional**  

    Existing in or as part of a long-established custom or belief.

21. **Crafts**  

    Activities involving skill in making things by hand, often for decorative or practical purposes.

22. **Adorned**  

    To decorate or add beauty to something, often by adding ornaments.

23. **Delicate**  

    Very fine in texture or structure, easily broken or damaged.

24. **Weave**  

    To form by interlacing threads or materials to create fabric or a design.

25. **Designs**  

    Plans or drawings produced to show the look or workings of something before it is made.

26. **Grandmother**  

    The mother of one's father or mother.

27. **Clay**  

    A natural material made of fine particles of earth, used to make pottery or beads.

28. **Composed**  

    Made up or consisting of various elements.

29. **Silver**  

    A shiny, grey-white metal often used in jewelry and ornaments.

30. **Charms**  

    Small decorative objects, often attached to bracelets or necklaces for good luck or as a keepsake.

31. **Keychains**  

    A small chain, usually attached to a keyring, often decorated with charms or beads.

32. **Arranging**  

    To put things in a particular order or position.

33. **Perfect**  

    Having all the required elements, qualities, or characteristics, as good as it can be.

34. **Pattern**  

    A regular arrangement of shapes, lines, or colors that is repeated.

35. **Relaxing**  

    Making you feel calm and less stressed.

36. **Hobby**  

    An activity done regularly in one's free time for enjoyment.

37. **Composed**  

    Formed by combining different parts or elements.

38. **Intricate**  

    Having many small and complicated parts or details.

39. **Adorned**  

    Decorated with small details or ornaments.

40. **Vintage**  

    Refers to something of high quality from the past, particularly referring to fashion, jewelry, or collectibles.

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