marți, 10 septembrie 2024

My First English Class as a Teacher

 At your first English class, you can set the tone and establish expectations. Here's a suggestion for what you could say:


**"Hello everyone! Welcome to our English class. My name is [your name], and I’m excited to be your English teacher this year.**

First, I want to say how happy I am to meet all of you. This year, we will work together to improve your English skills—speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Don’t worry if you make mistakes; that’s how we learn!

In this class, I encourage you to ask questions, participate in discussions, and practice as much as possible. The more you use English, the faster you'll improve.

We’ll have different activities—group work, games, presentations, and more. My goal is to make learning fun and meaningful for you. I believe each of you has great potential, and I’m here to help you reach your goals.

Remember, we are a team, so let's support each other. I want this classroom to be a safe space where you feel comfortable sharing ideas and making mistakes. It's okay to not know something, but it’s important to try and improve.

Now, let’s start by getting to know each other. I’d like each of you to introduce yourselves. Tell us your name, something you like, and one goal you have for this class."


This creates a warm, encouraging atmosphere and sets clear expectations from the start.

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