vineri, 6 septembrie 2024


 1. **The vase fell and shattered into pieces.**  

Vaza a căzut și s-a făcut țăndări.

2. **The glass broke into tiny shards.**  

Paharul s-a spart în bucăți mici.

3. **The window was shattered by the strong wind.**  

Fereastra a fost făcută țăndări de vântul puternic.

4. **She stepped on the broken glass and hurt her foot.**  

A călcat pe sticla spartă și și-a rănit piciorul.

5. **The mirror shattered when it hit the floor.**  

Oglinda s-a făcut țăndări când a lovit podeaua.

6. **The sound of the breaking glass echoed through the room.**  

Sunetul sticlei sparte a răsunat în toată camera.

7. **The fragile plate shattered when dropped.**  

Farfuria fragilă s-a făcut țăndări când a fost scăpată.

8. **He cleaned up the shards of glass carefully.**  

A curățat cu grijă cioburile de sticlă.

9. **The bottle broke into sharp pieces.**  

Sticla s-a spart în bucăți ascuțite.

10. **They found shards of the old pottery at the site.**  

Au găsit țăndări de ceramică veche la fața locului.

11. **The lamp shattered when it fell off the table.**  

Lampa s-a făcut țăndări când a căzut de pe masă.

12. **The explosion left everything in pieces.**  

Explozia a lăsat totul făcut țăndări.

13. **She dropped the bowl, and it shattered instantly.**  

A scăpat castronul și s-a făcut țăndări imediat.

14. **The broken glass was spread across the floor.**  

Sticla spartă era împrăștiată pe podea.

15. **His dreams were shattered like glass.**  

Visurile lui s-au făcut țăndări, ca sticla.

16. **The old cup shattered into a thousand pieces.**  

Cana veche s-a făcut țăndări în mii de bucăți.

17. **The car window shattered upon impact.**  

Geamul mașinii s-a făcut țăndări la impact.

18. **He swept the shards into a dustpan.**  

A măturat țăndările într-o făraș.

19. **The statue was knocked over and shattered.**  

Statuia a fost răsturnată și s-a făcut țăndări.

20. **The storm caused windows to shatter all over the city.**  

Furtuna a făcut ferestrele să se facă țăndări în tot orașul.

Here are definitions for 20 words from the previous sentences:

1. **Shatter**  

   - **Definition**: To break suddenly into many small pieces.

   - **Example**: The mirror shattered when it fell.

2. **Pieces**  

   - **Definition**: Small parts of something that has been broken or divided.

   - **Example**: The glass broke into tiny pieces.

3. **Vase**  

   - **Definition**: A container, typically made of glass or ceramic, used for holding flowers.

   - **Example**: She put the flowers in a beautiful vase.

4. **Shard**  

   - **Definition**: A sharp piece of broken material, especially glass or pottery.

   - **Example**: Be careful with that shard of glass.

5. **Window**  

   - **Definition**: An opening in a wall or vehicle that allows light and air to enter, usually covered with glass.

   - **Example**: The wind blew so hard that it shattered the window.

6. **Foot**  

   - **Definition**: The lower extremity of the leg, used for walking and standing.

   - **Example**: She hurt her foot when she stepped on the glass.

7. **Mirror**  

   - **Definition**: A reflective surface, typically made of glass, that reflects images.

   - **Example**: The mirror fell and broke into pieces.

8. **Sound**  

   - **Definition**: A noise that is heard.

   - **Example**: The sound of breaking glass filled the room.

9. **Fragile**  

   - **Definition**: Easily broken or damaged.

   - **Example**: The fragile vase shattered upon impact.

10. **Carefully**  

    - **Definition**: With caution or attention to avoid mistakes or harm.

    - **Example**: He cleaned up the shards of glass carefully.

11. **Sharp**  

    - **Definition**: Having a fine edge or point, capable of cutting.

    - **Example**: The pieces of broken glass were sharp.

12. **Pottery**  

    - **Definition**: Objects made of clay and hardened by heat, typically plates, bowls, or vases.

    - **Example**: Archaeologists found ancient pottery at the site.

13. **Explosion**  

    - **Definition**: A violent release of energy, often accompanied by a loud noise, fire, or force.

    - **Example**: The explosion shattered all the windows in the building.

14. **Instantly**  

    - **Definition**: Immediately or without delay.

    - **Example**: The bowl shattered instantly when it hit the ground.

15. **Spread**  

    - **Definition**: To distribute or extend over a surface or area.

    - **Example**: The broken glass was spread across the floor.

16. **Dream**  

    - **Definition**: A series of thoughts, images, or emotions that occur during sleep or a cherished aspiration.

    - **Example**: His dream of becoming an artist was shattered.

17. **Thousand**  

    - **Definition**: The number 1,000.

    - **Example**: The cup broke into a thousand tiny pieces.

18. **Impact**  

    - **Definition**: The force or action of one object hitting another.

    - **Example**: The window shattered on impact.

19. **Sweep**  

    - **Definition**: To clean an area by brushing away dirt or debris.

    - **Example**: He swept the shards of glass into the dustpan.

20. **Storm**  

    - **Definition**: A violent disturbance of the atmosphere with strong winds and usually rain, thunder, or snow.

    - **Example**: The storm broke the windows of many houses.

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