miercuri, 11 septembrie 2024


 Iată 30 de propoziții în engleză și română despre ceaun, cu verbele la trecut:

1. They cooked soup in the cauldron yesterday.

Au gătit supă în ceaun ieri.

2. The cauldron was full of stew.

Ceaunul era plin de tocană.

3. He boiled water in the cauldron for tea.

El a fiert apă în ceaun pentru ceai.

4. She stirred the broth in the cauldron.

Ea a amestecat ciorba în ceaun.

5. We roasted meat over the fire in the cauldron.

Am prăjit carne deasupra focului în ceaun.

6. They added vegetables to the cauldron.

Ei au adăugat legume în ceaun.

7. The cauldron was used to make a traditional dish.

Ceaunul a fost folosit pentru a face un fel de mâncare tradițional.

8. I cleaned the cauldron after dinner.

Am curățat ceaunul după cină.

9. He melted butter in the cauldron.

El a topit untul în ceaun.

10. She served the food straight from the cauldron.

Ea a servit mâncarea direct din ceaun.

11. They simmered the sauce for hours in the cauldron.

Ei au lăsat sosul să fiarbă la foc mic ore întregi în ceaun.

12. We gathered around the cauldron for warmth.

Ne-am adunat în jurul ceaunului pentru căldură.

13. He carried the heavy cauldron to the campsite.

El a cărat ceaunul greu la locul de campare.

14. The cauldron bubbled as the soup cooked.

Ceaunul fierbea în timp ce supa se gătea.

15. They poured the stew from the cauldron into bowls.

Ei au turnat tocană din ceaun în boluri.

16. I washed the cauldron after the meal.

Am spălat ceaunul după masă.

17. He used the cauldron to fry the potatoes.

El a folosit ceaunul pentru a prăji cartofii.

18. She put the cauldron over the fire to cook.

Ea a pus ceaunul deasupra focului pentru a găti.

19. We filled the cauldron with water from the stream.

Am umplut ceaunul cu apă din pârâu.

20. They gathered ingredients to put in the cauldron.

Ei au adunat ingrediente pentru a le pune în ceaun.

21. The cauldron was removed from the fire.

Ceaunul a fost scos de pe foc.

22. He scraped the bottom of the cauldron for the last bits of food.

El a răzuit fundul ceaunului pentru ultimele resturi de mâncare.

23. She kept the cauldron clean and shiny.

Ea a păstrat ceaunul curat și strălucitor.

24. They hung the cauldron over the flames to heat it up.

Ei au atârnat ceaunul deasupra flăcărilor pentru a-l încălzi.

25. We shared a meal from the cauldron.

Am împărțit o masă din ceaun.

26. He seasoned the food in the cauldron with herbs.

El a condimentat mâncarea din ceaun cu ierburi.

27. She ladled the soup from the cauldron into the cups.

Ea a pus supă din ceaun în căni.

28. They prepared the feast using a large cauldron.

Ei au pregătit ospățul folosind un ceaun mare.

29. We enjoyed a delicious stew cooked in the cauldron.

Ne-am bucurat de o tocană delicioasă gătită în ceaun.

30. He stored the cauldron in the shed after the meal.

El a depozitat ceaunul în șopron după masă.

Here are 40 words from the sentences above, with their definitions:

1. Cooked – prepared food by heating it.

2. Soup – a liquid dish made by boiling ingredients like meat, vegetables, and spices in water.

3. Cauldron – a large, round, metal pot used for cooking over a fire.

4. Full – containing as much or as many as possible.

5. Stew – a dish of meat and vegetables cooked slowly in liquid.

6. Boiled – heated a liquid until it bubbled.

7. Water – a transparent, tasteless liquid essential for life.

8. Tea – a beverage made by steeping dried leaves of the tea plant in hot water.

9. Stirred – mixed a substance by moving it around with a spoon or similar tool.

10. Broth – a clear soup made from simmering meat, bones, or vegetables.

11. Roasted – cooked food by exposing it to direct heat, usually in an oven or over fire.

12. Meat – the flesh of animals used as food.

13. Fire – the heat and light produced by burning materials.

14. Added – put something together with something else.

15. Vegetables – plants or parts of plants used as food.

16. Used – took advantage of or employed something for a purpose.

17. Traditional – something that has been passed down through generations.

18. Dish – a particular food prepared in a specific way.

19. Cleaned – removed dirt or impurities from something.

20. Dinner – the main meal of the day, usually in the evening.

21. Melted – made or became liquid by heating.

22. Butter – a dairy product made from churning cream or milk.

23. Served – presented food or drink to others.

24. Straight – directly or without deviation.

25. Simmered – cooked a liquid just below the boiling point.

26. Hours – units of time, each equal to 60 minutes.

27. Gathered – brought together from various places.

28. Warmth – a moderate degree of heat.

29. Carried – supported and moved something from one place to another.

30. Heavy – having great weight.

31. Campsite – a place where people set up camp.

32. Bubbled – formed small, round pockets of gas in a liquid.

33. Poured – caused a liquid to flow out from a container.

34. Bowls – round, deep dishes used to serve food.

35. Washed – cleaned something with water and soap.

36. Fry – cook food in hot fat or oil.

37. Potatoes – starchy vegetables often used as food.

38. Filled – made something full by adding content.

39. Stream – a small, narrow river.

40. Flames – visible, gaseous parts of a fire.

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