vineri, 6 septembrie 2024


 1. Forgetting is a natural process of the human brain.  

   Uitarea este un proces natural al creierului uman.

2. Sometimes forgetting helps us move on from painful memories.  

   Uneori, uitarea ne ajută să trecem peste amintirile dureroase.

3. We often forget small details of everyday life.  

   Adesea uităm detalii mărunte din viața de zi cu zi.

4. Forgetting names or faces can be embarrassing in social situations.  

   Uitarea numelor sau fețelor poate fi jenantă în situațiile sociale.

5. As we grow older, forgetting becomes more common.  

   Pe măsură ce îmbătrânim, uitarea devine mai frecventă.

6. Forgetting can sometimes be a protective mechanism of the mind.  

   Uitarea poate fi uneori un mecanism de protecție al minții.

7. It’s easy to forget things when you’re stressed.  

   Este ușor să uiți lucruri când ești stresat.

8. People often forget appointments or important dates.  

   Oamenii uită adesea de întâlniri sau date importante.

9. Forgetting where you placed your keys is a common frustration.  

   Uitarea locului unde ai pus cheile este o frustrare comună.

10. With time, people may forget the details of a conversation.  

   Cu timpul, oamenii pot uita detaliile unei conversații.

11. Forgetting helps us let go of the past and focus on the present.  

   Uitarea ne ajută să lăsăm trecutul în urmă și să ne concentrăm pe prezent.

12. Some memories are easier to forget than others.  

   Unele amintiri sunt mai ușor de uitat decât altele.

13. Forgetting a lesson learned can lead to repeating mistakes.  

   Uitarea unei lecții învățate poate duce la repetarea greșelilor.

14. Forgetting to return a phone call can cause misunderstandings.  

   Uitarea de a suna înapoi poate provoca neînțelegeri.

15. When we’re tired, we tend to forget more.  

   Când suntem obosiți, tindem să uităm mai mult.

16. Forgetting is part of the process of learning new things.  

   Uitarea face parte din procesul de învățare a lucrurilor noi.

17. Forgetting someone’s birthday can hurt their feelings.  

   Uitarea zilei de naștere a cuiva poate răni sentimentele acelei persoane.

18. Forgetting dreams shortly after waking up is common.  

   Uitarea viselor la scurt timp după trezire este comună.

19. Forgetting passwords can be frustrating in the digital age.  

   Uitarea parolelor poate fi frustrantă în era digitală.

20. Forgetting can help us cope with traumatic experiences.  

   Uitarea ne poate ajuta să facem față experiențelor traumatice.

21. Some people forget to take care of their health.  

   Unii oameni uită să aibă grijă de sănătatea lor.

22. Forgetting a skill requires practicing it again.  

   Uitarea unei abilități necesită practicarea ei din nou.

23. Forgetting to forgive can keep old wounds open.  

   Uitarea de a ierta poate menține vechile răni deschise.

24. Forgetting to be grateful can lead to unhappiness.  

   Uitarea de a fi recunoscător poate duce la nefericire.

25. Forgetting where we came from can disconnect us from our roots.  

   Uitarea de unde am venit ne poate deconecta de rădăcinile noastre.

26. Forgetting can create gaps in our sense of identity.  

   Uitarea poate crea goluri în simțul nostru de identitate.

27. Forgetting loved ones who passed away is often feared.  

   Uitarea celor dragi care au trecut în neființă este adesea temută.

28. Forgetting is sometimes the brain’s way of decluttering.  

   Uitarea este uneori modul creierului de a-și face ordine.

29. Forgetting important lessons from history can have serious consequences.  

   Uitarea lecțiilor importante din istorie poate avea consecințe grave.

30. We fear forgetting because it makes us feel vulnerable.  

   Ne este frică de uitare pentru că ne face să ne simțim vulnerabili.

Here are definitions of some of the more challenging words from the sentences provided:

1. **Natural**: Existing in or caused by nature; not made or caused by humankind.


2. **Process**: A series of actions or steps taken in order to achieve a particular end.

3. **Protective**: Intended to protect someone or something from harm.

4. **Mechanism**: A system of parts working together in a machine or process.

5. **Details**: Individual facts or pieces of information about something.

6. **Common**: Occurring or appearing frequently; usual.

7. **Frustration**: The feeling of being upset or annoyed as a result of being unable to change or achieve something.

8. **Conversation**: A talk between two or more people in which thoughts, feelings, or ideas are expressed, questions are asked and answered.

9. **Focus**: To concentrate attention or effort on a particular thing or activity.

10. **Lesson**: A period of learning or teaching about a particular subject.

11. **Misunderstandings**: Failures to understand something correctly.

12. **Tired**: In need of sleep or rest; weary.

13. **Traumatic**: Emotionally disturbing or distressing, often related to a severe shock or injury.

14. **Cope**: To deal effectively with something difficult.

15. **Practicing**: The act of repeatedly performing an activity or exercise to improve a skill.

16. **Forgive**: To stop feeling angry or resentful towards someone for an offense, flaw, or mistake.

17. **Grateful**: Feeling or showing appreciation for kindness.

18. **Disconnect**: To sever the connection of or between something; to detach or separate.

19. **Identity**: The fact of being who or what a person or thing is; a sense of self.

20. **Feared**: Felt afraid of someone or something.

21. **Decluttering**: The process of removing unnecessary or unwanted items from an area.

22. **Consequences**: Results or effects, typically those that are unwelcome or unpleasant.

23. **Vulnerable**: Susceptible to physical or emotional attack or harm.

24. **Appointments**: Arrangements to meet someone at a particular time and place.

25. **Frustation**: A feeling of dissatisfaction or lack of accomplishment.

26. **Skill**: The ability to do something well, usually as a result of practice or training.

27. **Wounds**: Injuries to the body, often open or caused by cutting or breaking the skin.

28. **Passwords**: Secret words or phrases used to gain access to something, like a computer system.

29. **Declutter**: To remove unnecessary items from an untidy or overcrowded space.

30. **Roots**: The basic or fundamental aspects of something, often referring to origins or beginnings. 

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