sâmbătă, 14 septembrie 2024

Strength vs weakness

 Iată 10 moduri în care poți exprima această idee în engleză:

1. My strength is vocabulary, but my weakness is listening.

2. My vocabulary is my strong suit, while listening is my weak point.

3. I'm good at vocabulary, but not so great at listening.

4. Vocabulary is my strong area, but listening is where I struggle.

5. I'm strong in vocabulary, but I’m weak in listening.

6. My vocabulary is solid, but listening is my weak spot.

7. I'm skilled when it comes to vocabulary, but listening is a challenge for me.

8. Vocabulary is my strength, but listening is my downfall.

9. I excel at vocabulary, but I fall short when it comes to listening.

10. My strong point is vocabulary, but listening is a weakness of mine.

Let me know if you'd like a specific one recorded for pronunciation.

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